Breast milk or bottle: A personal decision:
Before the baby's birth, you probably decided whether you would feed him by breast or bottle. This is a kind of personal decision you have to make on the basis of your inner wishes, not on what other people say. Either method is all right as long as you feel right about it. The feelings seem to be more important than the kind of milk. Almost every mother will have enough milk for her baby; almost every baby will thrive on a formula.
It is important to note that you should breast feed only if you feel wish to. Do not feel guilty if you really feel that you cannot face the whole idea. There are women who find the idea of breast-feeding unpleasant and since bottle-feeding is quite satisfactory, there is no reason why they should breast-feed. The choice of feeding method must remain an entirely personal one. However, there is no replacement for mother’s milk but full-term babies generally do pretty well on formulas as well.
Breast milk is nature’s formula:
Nobody has ever improved on the formula that the breast secretes to nourish the baby. Breast milk has certain antibodies that formulas just cannot have. Despite this lots of women have doubts about trying to breast-feed anyhow. Nothing wrong with it as today’s work pressures or other reasons are making more and more women choose bottle feeding.
This is understandable, for practically nothing in our lives today prepares a woman to feel natural about this task. Some of the doubts concern the baby, some concern the mother. All are perfectly normal.
Formula feedings:
Formulas are made in proper sterile environment. They are made with an effort to replicate breast milk as much as possible. They are rich in fats, proteins, vitamins, and sugars. So nutritional value of formulas is quite good. However, they do not contain antibodies and enzymes that are present in breast milk. But because they are high in nutritional value and are made after research and keeping in mind the needs of a baby, they can be a good source of dietary requirements of a baby.
A better situation: Breast and bottle:
Many women think of breast-and bottle-feeding as quite separate alternatives, but of course, they can be used together very conveniently. During the first few days when the breasts are not producing very much milk the baby may be very hungry and can only be satisfied if some extra milk is given to him from a bottle. It may be convenient for a baby to take the occasional artificial feed if you want to go out for a few hours and leave him with a baby sitter. Some mothers do not breast-feed because they know that they will have to turn to the bottle after a few weeks to cope with special problems, such as having to return to work. But remember it is still an advantage to the baby and will give him a good start if you are able to breast-feed him for a week or two even a few days is better than none at all.