1. Your action: Tap bridge of the nose, or shine a bright light suddenly into the eyes, clap hands or make sudden noise, about eighteen inches from infant's head.
Baby’s response: Eyes close tightly. Head drops backward, neck extends, arm and legs fling outward and back sharply.
2. Your action: Lightly prick soles of feet.
Baby’s response: Knee and foot flex.
3. Your action: Stand infant; press foot to bed.
Baby’s response: Feet step in an action like we do while walking.
4. Your action: Pull baby to sit.
Baby’s response: Eyes snap open, shoulders tense. Baby tries unsuccessfully to right head (China doll reflex).
5. Your action: Put baby on tummy on flat surface.
Baby’s response: Head turns, to side and lifts. Baby crawls, lifts self with arms.
6. Your action: Place on back and turn head to side.
Baby’s response: Body arches away from face side; arm on face side extends, leg draws up; other arm flexes (tonic neck reflex)
7. Your action: Stroke foot or hand on top.
Baby’s response: Limb withdraws, arches, returns to grasp.
8. Your action: Stroke palm or sole at base of digits.
Baby’s response: Limb grasps.
9. Your action: Stroke outside of sole.
Baby’s response: Toes spread, large toe sticks up.
10. Your action: Tap upper lips sharply.
Baby’s response: Lips protrude.
11. Your action: Stroke cheek or mouth.
Baby’s response: Mouth roots, head turns and tongue moves toward stroking object; mouth sucks.
12. Your action: Stroke cheek or palm.
Baby’s response: Mouth roots, arm flexes; hand goes to open mouth.
13. Your action: Stroke leg, upper part of body
Baby’s response: Opposite leg or hand crosses to push your hand away; withdraws.
14. Your action: Rotate baby to side
Baby’s response: Head turns, eyes precede direction of rotation.