Under normal circumstances, the breast development does not commence until the ovaries begin to secrete estrogen at the age of seven, eight or nine. Both the nipple and the breast tissue then gradually develop and growth continues as a slow and regular process until the onset of the first period. At this time, or shortly afterwards, the breasts may enlarge rapidly as a result of the release of large quantities of hormone into the circulation.

The ovaries resemble large almonds in shape and size, and are situated one each side of the uterus just below the fimbriated end of the Fallopian tube. They are therefore quite close to the sidewall of the pelvis and are protected from damage by the bones which form the pelvic girdle. They are extremely tender if pressure is exerted upon them. In a young girl, the surface is smooth and pink, but later it becomes grey and rather puckered due to the formation of repeated tiny scars which are caused by the process of ovulation.

The Fallopian or uterine tubes are a pair of ducts which are attached to the upper and outer corners of the uterus. Each is approximately four inches long and about a quarter of an inch thick, although the size varies in its different parts. The ampulla or outer end of the Fallopian tube forms a funnel-like opening where the wall divides into finger-like processes called fimbriae. These not only guard the opening but, being close to the ovary, they also help to sweep the ovum into the canal of the tube itself.

The uterus, or womb, is a hollow organ situated within the pelvic cavity. It is rather like an inverted pear with the sharp end (cervix) pushing down into the upper end of the vagina. The uterus consists of two parts, the body and the cervix. The body of the uterus, containing the uterus cavity, constitutes approximately two-thirds of the uterus, and the cervix comprises the other third. The upper part of the uterus is known as the fundus.

The vagina is the passage that leads from the uterus above to open at the vulva below. It is approximately three to four inches in length and widens at its upper end to be attached round the cervix which is the neck of the uterus. The wall of the vagina is a muscular tube capable of considerable stretching. It is lined on the inside by the vaginal skin which covers the cervix above the vulva below.

The external genitalia are collectively known as the vulva which consists of the labia majora, the labia minora, and clitoris, together with the perineum behind and the pubic pad of fat covered by pubic hair in front. The labia majora, forming the major protection to the vaginal entrance, contain fat and are covered by normal skin containing both hair follicles and sweat glands. The labia minora are folds of delicate, sensitive skin at the junction of the labia minora. It is small cylindrical-shaped organ approximately half an inch in length.